Information for Students, Parents and Carers

At Marine Academy, we work with all key stakeholders involved in a young person’s career journey. We ensure that we provide up to date support and guidance to support our young people in making the right decisions for them. Below are a list of key websites and resources that you can use to support us in helping our students to reach and fulfil their potential. 

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The Unifrog platform gives students the tools to make their own choices. Linking curriculum learning to careers ,the Careers Library can be searched by school subjects, and the Subjects Library gives career and pathways information for each subject.  How to log into Unifrog

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Careers South West delivers information advice and guidance services to adults and young people throughout the South West. This service has replaced the Connexions service in supporting people into education, employment and training. The Careers South West website has comprehensive information about all the services that are available as well as details of new vacancies, up to date labour market information, advice on looking for a job or an apprenticeship, parents newsletter and much more. 

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Term Dates

Term Dates

The Marine Curriculum

The Marine Curriculum

Principal’s Blog

Principal’s Blog