Work with us

Research has shown that that the quantity and quality of employer engagement experienced by young people while in school or college makes a significant difference to how well they do in the world of work in their twenties.

Young adults who have greater levels of contact with employers whilst at school are significantly less likely to be NEET (not in employment, education and training) and can expect, when in full-time employment, to earn up to 18% more than peers who had no such workplace exposure. Where young people learn about the working world through authentic interactions with people whose views they feel they can trust, they have much to gain. 

We are extremely proud to have worked with a variety of businesses who have supported our students through various activities and events. Events that we have held and plan to hold are careers fairs, employer talks, workshops and visits to local workplaces. 

We welcome support from a variety of employers and are always looking to develop our links further. We are always seeking to enhance our programme and employers are a vital aspect of this work and can contribute significantly to developing our students further.  If you are a local company and think you can contribute to our programme, please contact our Career Leader, Mr Christopher Watmore, by telephone: 01752 213939, or email:

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Term Dates

Term Dates

The Marine Curriculum

The Marine Curriculum

Principal’s Blog

Principal’s Blog