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Our Trust of Schools




Our mission is simple: to provide a curriculum which facilitates all students to achieve genuine excellence and aspire to the very best Universities in the country. We want our curriculum to provide students with the best of what has been thought and written throughout the ages. In addition, we ask our teachers to consider what the very best historians know at the end of year 13, what can the very best biologist understand and ensure the curriculum scaffolds them to these uniquely high expectations. The curriculum at 6th form should also build and develop what students have been learning from year 7 so that students are ready for the challenges ahead. 

At KS5 students will continue to follow our 12 week cycle system ensuring that they can approach subjects in depth, gaining the cultural capital needed to succeed and that we have the time built in to ensure any gaps in knowledge are filled before we move forwards. 

Daily tutorials, mentoring and enrichment are also compulsory aspects of our curriculum. Exceptional students will have 20 hours a year to work on their extended project qualification, all students will participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award and every Wednesday students will participate in an exciting enrichment programme designed to build resilience, leadership and aspiration.

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